Daily Directive: 010524

Project Focus: HEAD

Today, leave home 15 minutes earlier than usual.

Stop and pick up four takeout coffees and a tray, with milk and sugar on the side.

Visit the first business on your list from yesterday.

Walk in with the coffee.

Give it to whomever is at their front desk and say, “Hi, I’m X from Y (your business.)”

“Just wanted to say hello – I’ve been here since (date you opened) and we haven’t met yet.”

Accept their thanks. Ask, “How’s business?” and let them talk a bit.

Ask “Are you the owner?”. If they are, ask how long they’ve owned the business.

If the conversation goes on for a few minutes, great. If it feels awkward, just say “I know you’re busy – you just opened. Do you have a card or an email address?”

Then say “have a great day!” and go to work.

Congratulate yourself: you’ve just successfully initiated a conversation. You didn’t need to “win” it with words – you won it with coffee. On Friday, we’ll email your new friend.

This project started April 30. Start there.

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