Daily Directive: 080224

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This week, we’re giving you a raise.

Yesterday, we moved 3 personal expenses to your business.

Today, we’re going to talk about the best investment your business can make in you: mentorship.

Your business pays for mentorship, but you reap the reward. So while the investment is purchased with pre-tax income, you’ll make more money to take home. That’s because good mentors don’t focus on client headcount or gross revenue but net owner benefit—how much you make.

This site provides you with a simple daily “program” to build your business:

We start with the tasks that should repeat every week.

Then we tackle a larger project, broken down into 5 or 6 simple tasks.

Over time, we cover all the bases in your business. We call this method “The Simple Six”, and it’s broad enough to work for any business, general enough to be tailored, and inclusive enough to leave no gaps.

However, when you buy mentorship, you buy speed. A tailored “program” to grow your business works like a tailored program in the gym. If you do the gym’s general program, or follow a general program like CrossFit, you’ll eventually improve all aspects of your fitness. But if you want to fix a burning problem NOW, or capitalize on your own unique opportunities, you need to work 1:1 with a coach.

I can connect you with one – just fill out the form HERE.

Mentorship has the best ROI of any investment you can make, because mentorship improves YOU – and every improvement you make in yourself multiplies every other investment you make forever.

You can order the book here: www.simplesix.com

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