Daily Task: 15 minutes
Distribute yesterday’s blog post or Quickcast. Instructions here.
Project Focus: Referrals
My new book, The Golden Hour, comes out on October 14.
It’s written for gym owners, but applicable to every CEO.
The purpose of the book is to build the skill of FOCUS. While most entrepreneurs and CEOs are busy all day, they never make progress in growing their business because they spend all their time maintaining what they have. They go to meetings, they answer emails, they take calls…but these are all reactive, not proactive.
If you’re an owner or a CEO, your job is to grow the business. All of the other stuff you do is just you hiding from your real job. But you can’t hide forever.
You are what you repeatedly do well.
The things you do well are called “skills”.
You build skills through practicing habits.
You create habits by doing reps until they become automatic.
The Golden Hour sets you up for doing the reps, building the habits and – eventually – earning the skills.
Here’s how it works:

To prepare for the book launch, we’re going to start by having you do the “GO” part of GOLDEN.
Today, find a room with a door that closes. (I’m on a couch in my living room as I write this.)
Open your mind with some meditation. This is usually best done as written meditation. I use 750words.com, but you can use a blank doc or a notepad. Start by writing 250 words (or one side of one page). Just get your thoughts out of your head and onto paper. It’s like writing a letter that you’ll never mail: you clear out the distractions from your mind, opening your mind to thinking more clearly and with focus.
That’s it for today; tomorrow, we’ll talk about Leading With the Marketing Reps.