Marketing Reps: 15 minutes
Check in with 5 clients. Instructions here.
Project Focus: GOLDEN HOUR
My new book, The Golden Hour, comes out on October 14.
Here’s how it works:

Today, we’re going to Lead with the Marketing Reps.
At the top of this blog, you’ll see a section called “Marketing Reps”. Today’s Marketing Rep is to Check In With Five Clients.
This is Internal Marketing. Your best future clients are your current clients. That’s because it’s easier to keep a current client than it is to gain a new one.
The Marketing Reps are the basic, repeated actions you take to grow your business daily. For example, if you check in with 5 clients, you create 5 opportunities to:
1 – get a client in for an appointment sooner than they would have done on their own
2 – assess opportunities to serve the client more (providing a higher-value service)
3 – potentially save a client who might have quit.
The purpose of the check-in isn’t just to send a text to a client, or to let them know you’re thinking about them. The purpose is to book the client for a longer discussion or an earlier appointment. That’s how you measure success (the amount of messages you send is a leading indicator, only because it leads to more appointments booked, which is what counts.) Remember that when you send the text: it’s the START of something, not the completion of something. I mention this because a few new business books and speakers tout “client check-ins” as the answer to improving retention. They aren’t the answer but they’re an important first step.