How I Grew So Quickly

Most small businesses don’t make it past the two-year mark.

Their founders are smart, hard-working risk-takers. But they fail anyway.

I’ve had a couple of businesses that didn’t last. But my BIG businesses grew fast–and continue to grow–because I hire mentors to keep me growing. Here’s the timeline of Two-Brain Business’ growth, in annual revenue:

0-250,000 – I launched with the systems I learned from my first mentor, Denis Turcotte.

250,000-2M – I worked with Dan Martell to duplicate myself in a team of coaches and hire my first operations staff.

2M-2.75M – I worked with Marcy Swenson to improve my leadership, which translated into better coaching, which created better client results.

2.75M-4M – I worked with Todd Herman to figure out how to help my audience more; compete on MY field of play; and go all-in on gym owners.

4M-5M – this was a battle because of worldwide gym lockdowns. I turned to several mentors to help me become the person my industry needed me to be.
I worked with Taki Moore to help me make our lessons clearer and more powerful.
I worked with a board of high-level coaches to help me streamline our operations.

I worked with Cindy Ashton to make me a better speaker and presenter on Zoom.
I had short sessions with Jocko Willinck, Cameron Herold, Risha Grant, Lisa Nichols, Chris Voss, Mike Michalowicz, and over a dozen others.
During that time, I ramped up my mentorship investment to over $250k per year, and taught everything I learned to my team and my clients.

At 5M, I got a bit complacent. Luckily, Bob Gauvreau helped me find new motivation (give away $1,000,000 per year for the rest of my life) and that kickstarted my path to 10M.

Now I’m working with Carrie Wilkerson to get the company to 10M.

At every step along the path, I said “I’m going to try and figure this next step out myself.”

And then, a month or two later, I found a mentor who could take me to the next level. They knew the steps.

Look, I have the same number of hours in a day as everyone else.

I get up a bit earlier than most, but I’m asleep before ten.

I’m not smarter than anyone else, and I don’t have great focusing skills.

But I still grow businesses really fast for one reason:

I don’t WASTE time.

When you buy mentorship, you’re buying speed. Not because the mentor is going to mail you a check; because the mentor stops you from doing every experiment yourself.

Most entrepreneurs fall in love with the idea of “figuring it all out themselves.” They see business as an art, and want to create something unique and beautiful. I get that – I spent many years telling myself that I would do it “my way” and, with enough grit and intelligence, I’d eventually be successful.

But business is more science than art. You can learn from the experiments of others, instead of repeating the same mistakes over and over.

This site is here to help you find a mentor (it’s probably not me). Click “find a mentor” at the top right, and I’ll connect you with the best in your niche. I don’t get a commission or an affiliate fee; I just love the thrill of watching someone grow.

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