Daily Directive: 180424

Project Focus: Skill

“Every day, do one thing to grow your business before you do anything else.”

This week, we’re practicing the power of focus.

Starting today, you will dedicate one hour per day to growing your business.

You will block time out of your schedule every day, six days per week. Use the Time Audit you completed on the first day of this project.

You will enter the focus zone you set up on the second day of this project, turn off your phone, close the door, and work on building your business for one hour. Set a timer.

What will you do during that hour?

Follow the tasks assigned by your mentor. Or follow the general prescription found on this site (the Daily Directives). When you have no idea what to do, create content.

This is called your Golden Hour.

If you practice your golden hour daily, you’ll soon find it easier to get into a focused state. You’ll make daily incremental progress.

Eventually, you’ll be doing your daily reflection and realize: you’ve had a pretty good day. A DAMN good day. A golden day!

And then someday, when you’re posting your wins for the week, you’ll realize: you’ve had a great week! Almost flawless! Maybe one little thing, but you handled it. It was truly a golden week! And of course those won’t happen all the time, but they’ll start to happen more regularly, and someday you’ll be on a call with your mentor and look back and say: “hey, my business grew…and I didn’t really feel like I was working hard at all! I had an obstacle, but I overcame it! I grew as a leader and made more money and had time with my kids! It was…a golden MONTH!”

And then, of course, the next month might not be all golden, but you’ll have a few golden days, and you’ll look after the golden hours, and you might have a golden week or two..and a few months later, you’ll have another golden month!

And then, at your birthday party someday, you’ll take a few moments to reflect on the year, and realize: it’s been a damn good year! One for the ages! Big things happened! You’re a better person than you were 12 months ago! It’s been a GOLDEN year!

And in a few decades, you’ll be sitting around with your friends, maybe after a pickleball game, and talking about your careers and your families, and you’ll say “THAT is the decade I was at my peak. THAT was the best time of my life. That was a golden era.” 

Little wins stack up. They compound. But you can’t wait for them to just happen to you – you have to be intentional.

The mistake that most of us make in business is that we’re busy working IN the business all the time – responding to emails, reacting to problems, building and selling the thing. We never carve out time to work ON the business – to do the things that actually make it grow.

There’s more to this. Listen to the podcast here:

[golden hour podcast]

This project started on April 16, 2024. Start there.

Why are SKILLS so important? Listen here:

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